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14 November 2023 17:00-19:00Science Park Towers, Jönköping




Get to know your peers, meet Science Park's business development officers and get all the information you need about the program. During this session, you will also learn how to effectively formulate the problem your idea is supposed to solve, using the NABC model as well as your vision.

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Impact Session

Get inspired by an impact startup, sharing their passion and entrepreneurial journey. Christian Putz, Science Park and JU alumni, will talk about his returnable packing startup “Boomerang” from Hamburg and his recent funding round of 1.1 million euros.

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Startup Seminar

How do you develop your business and take the first steps towards your own company? During this seminar, we guide you through the steps to develop your idea into a real business.

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Design Thinking Workshop

With the help of experts from SVID, you will learn to think design from a customer-centric perspective.

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Tech Lab

This is where the magic happens! Get the unique opportunity to start working hands on with your solution – and take the first steps in building your prototype. We give you the tools, you do the job.

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Tech Lab II

We'll continue were we left of at Tech Lab I. 

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Financing your startup

An informative lecture about the different possibilities to finance your business idea. What opportunities can you find? What can be a next step? And what to consider when it comes to financing?

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Sales and Pitch Lab

Get ready for our last meeting before the big demo day. We don’t leave you alone. TO be best prepared for the Demo Day, we will tell you why pitching is important, how to pitch and what it needs.

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Cube & Corner, Science Park Towers


Impact Demo Day

Welcome to the grand finale of the Startup Program. At the Impact Demo Day you will have the opportunity to show the progress you have made during the program by pitching your idea to a jury and receive valuable feedback while competing for up to 10 000 SEK in development funding.

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Science Park Towers